My Arcade stuck in my living room.
I managed to get the cabinet off the truck and through my apartment door thanks to Mike and Drew. From there however we were screwed. It's a monster! It houses a 32" Arcade monitor with ease, which by my calculations this thing is close to 33-35" wide! My door ways inside are a a sad 31". My friend Mike thought the easiest solution was to rip off the molding long my door frames, I measured and remeasured and found that even if we did that there was no guarantee that it would fit. The only option was to take it apart. Sounds easy enough right??? Answer: False!
Arcade 1 Ian 0
The next day i was able to move the Arcade in my kitchen so I could move around freely in my living room. *** Side Note*** My wife is awesome, and was very supportive! *** End Side Note*** The next two days i did nothing but unscrew hundreds (seemed like thousands) of screws holding this monster together. I was able to get help removing the monitor thanks to Mike. Always get help for a number of reasons one being that this thing weighed a ton, and second, if dropped it would explode. Not to mention you may touch something you were not meant to touch. Monitors store thousands of volts for long periods of time. And since I was unaware when the last time this thing was plugged in I didn't want to take a chance. Eventually I was able to deconstruct this beast.
Arcade 1 Ian 1
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